Old Pal – Negroni Month
There you have it. We are no longer on the Negroni Month – which couldn’t have made this article any more timely. It’s funny that last year it was just […]
There you have it. We are no longer on the Negroni Month – which couldn’t have made this article any more timely. It’s funny that last year it was just […]
Today I’m going to invite you to do a different but very interesting exercise. Go to the image of the juices below and try to find at least one apple […]
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” declared Franklin D. Roosevelt in his inaugural address as President of the United States in 1933. And for good reason. […]
Sitting at the bar, one day, a friend of mine comes up with the following analogy. “Look, imagine that your life is a huge jar. And you have in front […]
For Relaxing Times, make it a Suntory Time. When I first watched Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation, I wasn’t familiar with japanese whisky, but I thought the reference was funny. […]
Owning a whiskey website requires a certain amount of focus. Even if my liver is what we call “totalflex” around here, the ethanol world is very vast, and liver and […]
“Doors to automatic and cross-check“. I buckle my seat belt, cross my arms and take a deep breath. I’ve never been afraid of flying. In fact, on the contrary. I […]
I’m going to tell you a bit of a disconcerting thing, which I’m not sure how it happened. My dog ate my earphones. It took me a while to figure […]
Apologies. Once again, I will talk about cinema. And I know sometimes it feels like this is a movie blog rather than whisky. But the analogy is too good to […]
My dearest to me at the drugstore. Aren’t you going to buy the Q-tips? Of course I will, look here. But these are not Q-Tips. I looked puzzled. They are […]